The event management technology trends changing the industry

Charlotte Cailleaux
Charlotte Cailleaux
The event management technology trends changing the industry
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    Event organizers might be facing high inflation and budget pressure, but current event technology is still enabling exceptional experiences. Breakthroughs in event management software and cloud-based platforms are giving event teams new ways to collaborate. Event apps are also streamlining the entire event experience and helping attendees and exhibitors network like never before. 

    If you want to push the limits at your next event, then take a deep dive into our breakdown of the latest event management technology trends and how they will help us realize some of the biggest opportunities in the events industry. 

    What is event technology? 

    Event technology is any tool that enables people to plan and deliver events. It is continuously improving over time and many of the latest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and digitization are rapidly spilling over into the event management industry. 

    The different types of event management technology:  

    New event technology innovations are transforming how event planners bring people together and deliver experiences.  

    Some of these include:  

    1. Event management software that streamlines event planning, promotion, execution, and measurement. 
    1. AI that speeds up event marketing, multimedia creation, and customer service. 
    1. RFID replaces event tickets and physical payments while streamlining sponsorship activation. 
    1. Event mobile apps that distribute information and orchestrate key moments. 
    1. QR codes that provide quick access to information and experiences. 
    1. Live streams that connect in-person and virtual events. 
    1. Floor plan diagramming software that enhances event layouts. 
    1. Smart wearable devices that enable the easy transfer of information and event data. 
    1. Holograms that showcase products and speakers in exciting ways. 
    1. Virtual reality experiences that enhance attendee engagement. 

    The benefits of new event technology: 

    New technology in event management is making it far easier to plan and execute events. It’s also creating new sources of data that can be used to measure and optimize the entire experience.  

    Let’s explore the changing role of technology in event management and the benefits it’s helping us realize: 

    1. Improving event ROI 
    1. Hosting more inclusive events 
    1. Removing event participation barriers 
    1. Building tight-knit communities 
    1. Smoothing out friction points 
    1. Hosting more sustainable events 
    1. Increasing knowledge sharing 
    1. Creating more hype for events 

    Improving event ROI 

    A lot of time, effort, and investment can go into organizing an event and technology is opening up new ways to deliver a better ROI. Luckily, there have never been so many ways to monetize your events.  

    By capturing content from the event and hosting it on other platforms, you can extend its lifecycle and charge people for access to the virtual format. Or, if your lucky enough to partner with a technology provider that can capture and host your event content, then it’s a win-win. There are also now plenty of plug-and-play platforms you can use to sell merchandise and increase memberships.  

    Hosting more inclusive events 

    It’s important to make all our guests feel welcome, no matter who they are or where they are from. Event management software is making it easier for organizers to gain data-driven insights about their audiences and cater to them ahead of time.  

    By running surveys about requirements and expectations in the lead-up to the event, planners can prepare for guests who need special considerations. This gives everyone access to the same experiences regardless of their background or abilities. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even use predictive analytics powered by AI to proactively anticipate attendee needs and preferences.  

    If you have captured the right data points, you can also personalize each individual’s experience. Imagine being greeted by a personalized message on digital signage the next time you attend an event. These small touches can make the event much more rewarding for everyone involved. They are also easy to achieve with the right event technology and data capture strategy in place. 

    Removing event participation barriers 

    The ability for events to transcend geographic boundaries has stuck since the COVID-19 pandemic and many event organizers are offering innovative blends of face-to-face and virtual event experiences. For example, it’s becoming easier to livestream keynote presentations so even more people can join the experience online. 

    Translation tools are also becoming more advanced and can translate the written or spoken word almost in real-time. AI chatbots can also engage with guests outside of hours or when event planning staff are occupied. 

    Building tight-knit communities 

    How many times have you been to an event and felt like you didn’t speak to enough people? Have you ever had an in-depth conversation with someone you connected with, but failed to exchange contact information? 

    Event management technology is bridging the gap in these networking opportunities. Event apps are making it easier for guests to share information and continue their conversations post-event.  

    Wearable technology can also facilitate the swift exchange of contact information and AI-driven matchmaking tools can even be used to connect attendees with complementary interests and goals. 

    Smoothing out friction points 

    We want our guests to have a good time and contactless technology removes friction points from the event experience. Self and digital check-in options are a great solution for long registration lines. QR code technology can also be used in countless ways to easily connect guests with digital experiences, all facilitated by their mobile devices. 

    NFC-enabled wristbands and digital business cards also facilitate smooth and convenient interactions. Their data can also be used to create heat maps of high-traffic areas, helping organizers design more engaging and easy-to-navigate layouts. 

    Event management software also automates delivery schedules, venue set-up, and vendor coordination, making these processes far less time-consuming. 

    Hosting more sustainable events 

    Environmental consciousness is front of mind for many people and the events industry has the opportunity to lead by example. Many of the tools that event planners previously used were paper-based, but digital event technology platforms are now streamlining operations and reducing waste. Name tags could also be replaced by biometrics in the near future and digital products can be used in place of single-use event merchandise. 

    Increasing knowledge sharing 

    Keynote speeches and group activities have always been a big drawcard for events because people love connecting to gain new knowledge, perspectives, and insights. However, how we share knowledge at events is advancing. Showing is always better than telling and virtual reality experiences are becoming one of the best ways to engage event audiences. They allow presenters to invite people into their interactive worlds. 

    Live polls and Q&As can also be used for brainstorming or gaining feedback on a subject quickly, providing guests with insights from their peers during the event. Interactive technologies like touchscreens, livestreams, kiosks, gamification, and digital signage can also create dynamic environments that encourage exploration and discovery. Using an innovative set-up, you could also enable your guests to choose their own event journey. 

    Creating more hype for events 

    The media landscape is fragmented and there is a lot of competition for people’s attention on social media. That’s why organizers need sophisticated event marketing technology

    AI-driven audience targeting tools are making it easier to engage with the right audience on digital communication channels. Event organizers are also tapping into simple video editing interfaces fueled by AI to create high-impact videos. 

    If this sounds a little too advanced – ensuring your event management technology is equipped with powerful segmentation and targeting will allow you to achieve a more meaningful, personalized approach.  

    Our imagination is the only limit 

    Technology has already made a significant impact on the event management industry and we can expect to see even more innovations in the future. From VR to contactless solutions and AI, event management technology will continue to transform every aspect of the event experience. 

    At EventsAir, we understand the importance of selecting the right event technology partner – someone who can help you deliver successful, inspiring events both today and in the future. We’ve been innovating in the events industry for more than 30 years, and events are at the core of our DNA. 

    Thanks to our rich heritage, we also understand what’s next for the events industry. It’s the reason why serious event planners around the world choose our industry-leading event technology platform. 

    If you would like to understand how we can help you unleash the power of event planning technology for your team, then schedule a demo with one of our team members today.  

    Event Industry TrendsEvent Technology & Apps