20+ Essential event management software features

Kelly Harvey
Kelly Harvey
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    Not all event management software is created equal. Without naming names, some products just don’t offer the same level of features and functionality. But if you don’t know which features to look for, it’s hard to decide which software to choose.

    With this EventsAir guide, we’re here to help. We’ll share 20+ event management software features to look for in your next purchase and explain exactly why you should include them in your event planning toolkit.

    But first…

    What is event management software?

    Event management software is designed to help plan, organize, and execute events. Whether you’re planning a small workshop or a large conference, this software can handle various tasks like registration, scheduling, and attendee management.

    EventsAir is a great example. Our comprehensive platform offers various features to manage in-person and virtual events seamlessly. It has powered over 350,000 events worldwide, including events hosted by Microsoft, MCI, ICCA, and more.

    Key features to look for in event management software

    To keep this article organized, we’re breaking these features down into four categories:

    1. Event management features
    2. Marketing and promotion features
    3. Financial management features
    4. Attendee engagement features

    In each, we’ll cover the key features to look for by examining the features that EventsAir offers.

    Let’s dive in.

    1. Event management features

    Customizable registration paths

    Custom registration paths for different attendee types (e.g., VIPs, sponsors, regular attendees) allow for a personalized experience and reduce your admin workload.

    With event management tools like EventsAir, you can customize each registration path to include workflows, discounts, access codes, and more. Making this self-service means much less work for your team.

    Attendee management

    Attendee management is all about keeping track of your guests and making sure that they have a great experience. All kinds of features fall under the absolutely massive umbrella, including:

    • Attendee profiles and information collection
    • Email communications and reminders
    • Session and schedule management
    • Networking tools for attendees to connect
    • Lead retrieval for sponsors and exhibitors
    • Help resources and tickets

    EventsAir puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to manage all of these aspects from one central location—no more bouncing between different platforms or systems.

    Sponsorship and exhibitor management

    Sponsors and exhibitors are often crucial to funding an event. Your software should offer portals for them to make payments and access resources. Also, look for features like lead retrieval and reporting to help these important participants see the value of their investment.

    With EventsAir, it’s easy to create dedicated apps for sponsors and exhibitors so that they can easily manage their involvement at your event and access all of these key, value-adding features.

    Agenda and session management

    These features are all about managing the content of your event—speakers, sessions, workshops, and so on. With EventsAir, you have access to several features that make this much more straightforward, including:

    • Detailed agendas: Create detailed schedules easily. This helps attendees know what to expect and ensures your event runs smoothly. Ideally, attendees can create personal agendas and receive reminders when sessions start.
    • Concurrent sessions: You (and attendees) should also be able to manage multiple sessions happening simultaneously without a hitch. This is essential for larger events with various tracks or workshops.
    • Speaker management: Finally, you need to give speakers and presenters all the tools they need for success. This includes easy file uploading, abstract management tools, and access to support.

    Onsite check-In

    Event check-in is a crucial, experience-defining moment for any event. Your event management software needs to be adaptable, and that means you need to assess the options it gives you for onsite check-in.

    With EventsAir, you have access to 4+ different check-in methods:

    • Self-service kiosks: Allow attendees to check in themselves, print badges, and make changes on the spot.
    • Staffed kiosks: Give staff the tools needed to handle check-in and registration on behalf of attendees.
    • Mobile check-In: Make the check-in process mobile by allowing staff to check in attendees via mobile devices.
    • Contactless check-In: Use Bluetooth and RFID beacons to check attendees in without friction.

    For virtual and hybrid events, EventsAir offers attendees a frictionless check-in experience right through the attendee app.

    2. Marketing and promotion Features

    Event website builder

    Your event management software should allow you to create and customize a website—this is pretty much non-optional. Yes, you can create a website for your event using a dedicated builder, but then you need to worry about things like:

    • Integrating registration and payment flows
    • Tracking website analytics
    • Implementing SEO best practices
    • Ensuring a consistent design and branding

    With an event management platform like EventsAir, all of this is all handled for you from the start.

    EventsAir lets you create a website for your event with a simple drag-and-drop builder. We also offer a variety of pre-designed templates, so you don’t have to start from scratch. And since all of our features are completely integrated, you don’t need to worry about finding a payment processor or tracking analytics separately.

    Email marketing tools

    Email marketing is a key channel for event planners—and your event management software needs to offer features that support it. This can mean integration with email marketing tools or native features within the software itself.

    For example, with EventsAir, you can send targeted emails to different audience segments without leaving the platform. This keeps your messaging relevant and reduces time to complete email tasks. It also ensures you’re sending the most relevant and up-to-date messaging to the right audience, at the right time. 

    Social media promotion

    Similarly, your software should offer tools for promoting your event on social media—ideally directly from the software. 

    EventsAir doubles down on this, offering a dedicated social media feed (EventStream) within the attendee app. This removes barriers from attendees sharing updates and photos from your event, and provides a private, dedicated channel for your community to connect

    3. Financial management features

    Payment processing

    Integrated payment gateways simplify transactions, making it easier for attendees to pay and for you to track payments.

    EventsAir Pay allows organizers to manage registration fees and payments directly within the EventsAir platform. This integration aims to create a smoother and more efficient registration experience for attendees, minimizing complications and potential drop-offs during payment.

    Budget forecasting

    Your event management software should help you monitor your budget with forecasting tools. This will help you avoid overspending and ensure your event’s financial success. With powerful accounting management, EventsAir allows you to granularly track event expenses, providing real-time insights into profit and loss that you can sync (or export) to your accounting platform of choice. 

    Customizable reports

    Finally, you should be able to generate reports customized to different needs and stakeholders. This will help you understand what worked and what didn’t so you can make improvements.

    Within EventsAir, customizable marketing tags allow you to track the event marketing metrics that matter to you. You can also access dozens of pre-built reports or customize them to suit your needs.

    Want to see which channels drove the most registrations? Want to segment this data by first-time and returning attendees? EventsAir’s granular level of detail and comprehensive customization options make it easy to mine your data for deep, meaningful insights.

    4. Attendee engagement features

    Customizable event apps

    Customizable event apps are a great low-effort, high-reward tool to increase attendee engagement. These apps let attendees access information (like agendas and speaker information), participate in live polls and surveys, and connect with other attendees.

    EventsAir’s attendee app is easy to brand and customize. It’s also accessible via desktop and mobile (Android and iOS) for maximum coverage and included in every EventsAir package.

    But attendees aren’t the only ones to benefit—our apps are highly customizable, allowing you to create multiple versions for organizers, presenters, and more. 

    Offer a mobile app that attendees can use to access important information. This will enhance their experience and keep them engaged.

    3D Virtual environments

    With the rise of digital events, virtual spaces are becoming more common. EventsAir’s virtual event environments give remote attendees a 3D experience designed to mimic the immersion and engagement of a live event.


    If you want people to engage with your event and content, make it fun! EventsAir gives you many ways to gamify the process of attending and participating in your event. 

    These features include:

    • Live polls
    • Quizzes
    • Surveys
    • Leaderboards and points
    • Social media engagement

    All of these contribute to the overall experience and increase the engagement data you have to analyze post-event.


    Choosing the right event management software can make a world of difference. 

    Features like registration and attendee management, agenda planning, check-in options, marketing tools, event apps, and self-service features are essential for a smooth and successful event. EventsAir offers all these features (and more) to help make every event successful.

    Want to see EventsAir in action? Contact sales to request a demo or find a plan that suits your needs.

    Event Technology & Apps