Here’s how to streamline digital event management 

Caitlin Ryan
Caitlin Ryan
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    Digital events are here to stay, and mastering the art of managing them can truly set you apart as an event planner. 

    A study revealed that 72% of businesses plan to continue hosting virtual events long-term, underscoring the increasing significance of this format. However, 38% of virtual event organizers regularly face technical challenges, which makes effective management even more crucial.

    If you want to deliver seamless, engaging, and successful digital events, you’ve come to the right place. This EventsAir guide will show you how to optimize your digital event management process, offering practical steps and insights along the way.

    What is digital event management?

    Digital event management is the art of orchestrating events that happen entirely online. It’s about creating engaging experiences where attendees can join from anywhere with just a device and internet connection.

    These virtual experiences can take various forms, including:

    • Webinars
    • Virtual conferences
    • Online workshops
    • Digital trade shows
    • Live-streamed performances

    At the heart of it all are platforms like EventsAir. These all-in-one solutions streamline everything from registration to analytics to ensure attendees are engaged, sessions go smoothly, and you gather all the data you need to improve future events.

    GiTAU’s Digital Event Experience

    Girls Tech Australia (GiTAU) works to close the gender gap in technology.

    In 2020, they faced a huge challenge when the COVID-19 pandemic threatened to cancel their conference just two weeks before it was set to begin. They partnered with us and took advantage of our OnAIR platform to transition to a fully virtual experience for all 800 registered attendees.

    The OnAIR platform made registration easy and allowed participants to access the event smoothly. It featured a clear agenda and offered fun activities like four-way video chat sessions for networking. Attendees could also visit a virtual showroom with exhibitors and interact with speakers and sponsors. Live Q&A sessions, managed by EventsAir moderators, kept everyone engaged.

    With EventsAir, GiTAU was able to:

    • Simplify the registration process for attendees
    • Provide a clear and organized agenda
    • Offer fun and interactive activities like four-way video chat sessions for networking
    • Create a virtual exhibition hall with 13 exhibitors

    The result was an engaging digital event that achieved GiTAU’s original goals despite the rapid transition.

    Steps to optimize your digital event management

    Step 1: Define your goals

    Every event is built on goals. 

    These can be very high-level (think: increasing brand awareness or supporting a cause)—or more specific, like increasing sales, driving website traffic, or even providing a more accessible, virtual version of an in-person event. The important thing is that you have clearly defined goals guiding your decisions.

    For example, if one of your goals is “to help professionals build connections in the event industry,” you’re going to need:

    • Networking sessions
    • Tools for attendees to connect
    • Analytics to track connections

    You might not need these at an event where networking isn’t a goal.

    Step 2: Choose the right digital event management platform

    Digital events are highly reliant on technology. The platform you choose to manage and run your digital event tends to determine more about the attendee experience and event structure than it would at an in-person event—for example, it determines:

    • What interactive features are available
    • How attendees can network and connect
    • How sessions are scheduled and delivered
    • What registration and attendance look like
    • What your event assets look like

    …and more.

    So, make sure you find a platform with a comprehensive range of digital event features. Take EventsAir—our platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools, including registration, live streaming, lead management, and networking features.

    It’s designed to be user-friendly, ensuring you can focus on your content rather than technical issues.

    Step 3: Plan your content

    Content is king in digital events. To keep attendees engaged and interested, you need to have a compelling lineup of presentations, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities.

    Start by identifying the formats your digital event management software supports. For example, EventsAir’s OpenAir platform supports:

    • 3D mode
    • Breakout rooms
    • Remote attendee app
    • Live Q&A
    • OnAIR timelines
    • Virtual sessions
    • Exhibitor hall
    • Meeting matching
    • On-demand content
    • Gamification
    • Live polling

    These are all opportunities to create digital content that adds variety and value to your digital event.

    Step 4: Promote your event

    Effective promotion is key to attracting attendees. Use social media, email marketing, and partnerships to spread the word about your event.

    EventsAir simplifies this process with built-in marketing tools. You can create customized email campaigns and track their performance, ensuring the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.

    Step 5: Manage registrations

    A seamless registration process is crucial for a positive attendee experience. Ensure your registration form is straightforward and mobile-friendly.

    EventsAir offers a user-friendly registration system that supports multiple ticket types and payment options, making it easy for attendees to sign up.

    Step 6: Facilitate networking

    Networking is a significant draw for many digital event attendees. Provide opportunities for them to connect – either with each other, or with speakers, sponsors, and exhibutors.

    EventsAir’s networking features, including chat rooms, virtual business cards, and one-on-one meeting scheduling. With a wide selection of networking options, attendees can easily network and engage based on their preferences. 

    Step 7: Monitor and engage during the event

    Monitor the event’s progress. Engage with your audience through live chats, polls, and Q&A sessions.

    EventsAir’s real-time monitoring tools and engagement features ensure you can interact effectively with your audience and keep them engaged throughout the event.

    Step 8: Gather feedback

    After the event, collect feedback from attendees to understand what went well and what could be improved. Conducting a thorough post-event debrief is essential for continuous improvement and accountability. 

    EventsAir offers robust survey tools that make gathering and analyzing attendee feedback easy, helping you improve future events.

    Ready to optimize your digital event management?

    Digital event management is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging your audience. 

    By optimizing your process, you can deliver exceptional events that leave a lasting impression. Remember, platforms like EventsAir can streamline your workflow, making planning, executing, and analyzing your events easier.

    Ready to transform your digital event management process? Get in touch with sales to request a demo.

    Event Planning & Management