Adapting to change: How associations can thrive in a digital-first world

Charlotte Cailleaux
Charlotte Cailleaux
Business individuals at a short meet up. A lady is handing a mic to one of the attendee to answer a question.
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    Insights from Emily Biviano, GM at Membes

    The world of association management is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and ongoing changes in members’ expectations.

    To shed light on how associations can navigate this evolving landscape, we sat down with Emily Biviano, General Manager at Membes, a leading Association Management System (AMS). In our conversation, Emily shared her thoughts on the challenges faced by associations today, the strategies they should adopt to thrive, and the transformative role of technology in their future.

    The evolving role of associations in the digital era

    Historically, associations served as the central hub for industry information, professional development, and networking opportunities. However, the arrival of the digital age has significantly changed this dynamic.

    “Before the internet, associations were the go-to source for everything industry-related,” explains Emily. “Now, people can access a wealth of information with a quick Google or AI search, making it harder for associations to compete.”

    Engaging the next generation

    One of the most pressing challenges Emily identifies for associations is the need to reach and engage younger generations. As digital natives, they are used to accessing information and networking opportunities online, often bypassing traditional association channels.

    This shift has prompted associations to re-evaluate their value propositions. To stay relevant, Emily stresses the importance of offering unique value that cannot be easily found online. This includes fostering deeper, more personalized networking opportunities and offering tailored events that resonate with members’ specific interests and needs.

    “To capture the attention of younger members, associations must offer something beyond what they can find on their own — a sense of community, mentorship opportunities, and events that cater to their professional growth.”

    Managing resource constraints

    Beyond the need to build engaged communities, associations often operate with limited human and financial resources, making it difficult to manage the countless number of tasks involved in event planning and member engagement.

    “Resource constraints can prevent a good event from becoming a great one,” explains Emily. “This challenge underscores the need for associations to adopt efficient, automated solutions that can handle routine tasks, freeing up staff to focus on strategic initiatives.”

    The growing role of technology in association management

    According to Emily, technology plays a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. She highlights the importance of leveraging data to make more informed decisions, particularly in the context of event planning.

    “Data-driven insights are crucial for understanding what members want and ensuring that events stay relevant and engaging. By analyzing past events and member interactions, associations can refine their offerings and create experiences that truly resonate with their audiences.”

    Emily also highlighted the importance of integrating AI and machine learning into association management systems (AMS).

    “These technologies can help associations personalize member experiences, identify trends, and automate routine tasks, making operations more efficient,” she says. “For example, an AI-powered AMS will be able to track member behavior, such as content consumption and event attendance, and associations can use this data to offer personalized recommendations and networking opportunities.”

    The ‘Hub and Spoke’ model: A modern approach to tech integration

    When it comes to building an effective technology stack, Membes advocates for the ‘hub and spoke’ model. In this approach, a core system, such as an AMS, serves as the central hub, with specialized tools and platforms (the spokes) integrated around it. This model allows associations to maintain a single source of truth while leveraging best-in-class solutions for specific needs, such as event management systems (EMS).

    “The hub and spoke model enhances security, simplifies management, and allows for greater flexibility,” Emily explains. “It’s about having a core system that can easily integrate with other business critical technologies, like EventsAir, ensuring that data flows seamlessly and securely between platforms.”

    The future of events: From hybrid models to data-driven decisions

    Looking ahead, Emily sees a bright future for associations that embrace the right strategies and technologies. While hybrid events have gained popularity, she believes their long-term viability will depend on the association’s ability to manage costs and resources effectively. More importantly, she sees a shift towards more targeted, personalized events that prioritize quality connections over quantity.

    “The future of association events lies in the organizations ability to harness data and use it to create meaningful, tailored experiences for their members. By leveraging data and AI, associations can create more relevant and engaging events, build stronger member communities, and stay ahead of industry trends.” Emily concluded.

    Embracing change for long-term success

    The insights shared by Emily Biviano paint a picture of an industry in transition. Associations must adapt to evolving member expectations, embrace technology, and rethink their event strategies to remain relevant and successful. By focusing on personalized member experiences, leveraging data-driven insights, and adopting a flexible, integrated technology approach, associations can not only survive but thrive in the years to come.

    About Membes:

    Membes association management system (AMS), is an all-in-one true SaaS platform designed to streamline operations, enhance security, and make modern technology accessible. At its core, Membes AMS is a CRM specifically crafted for professional and trade associations. It offers features such as membership management, integrated website, AI, communications, ecommerce, CPD, reporting insights and much more. The Membes AMS also integrates with other leading software. A technology partner to the Association sector for over 20 years, the Membes team adapts to the changing landscape and is committed to helping Associations thrive.
